Hey, just wanted to update the blog on what I have been up to. Over the past 2 months I have been working on building a brand for a client. In terms of what I can talk about, you can check out the website here or you can check out the github page for the site here, still working out chosing a domain name and once that is accomplished site will be filled in and completed for production. In terms of the video content, we currently have 4 videos developed, working on getting music for the videos currently as well but we should have content released for the start of October (Hopefully).

In terms of the site being updated, I have started using cloudflare to help provide SSL support along with the many other features that having a CDN provide, I am going to test this out and I’ll give a update on the service in future blog posts.

Just wanted to post a final note about my music, and I wanted to just touch on the limited amount of time I currently have for creating music, so the album that was planned might turn into a few singles or I might just hold of releasing any content for sometime.